Renewing Our State

Supporting Minnesota
Industry & Innovation

Advocating for Minnesota’s workers, families, and communities.

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Who we are

​The Minnesota Private Business Council advocates for commonsense policies supporting Minnesota industry and innovation and benefiting Minnesota’s workers, families, and communities. Despite possessing immense human, economic, educational, and natural resources, Minnesota now faces a shrinking labor force, limited economic growth and innovation, elevated rates of violent crime, and unaccountable government increasingly animated by the far left.  Such challenges were never inevitable but are the result of public policy failure. The MPBC promotes policies leading to job growth, new business creation and entrepreneurship, and broad-based well-being for Minnesota’s workers and communities. Minnesotans deserve nothing less.

It's time to renew Minnesota

Our Priorities


We advocate for economic policies that are good for Minnesota industry and the well-being of Minnesota’s workers and communities.


We advocate for responsible policies to deal with violent crime and other serious public safety issues. Minnesota’s businesses depend on having safe communities in which to operate, and more importantly, Minnesotans depend on having safe communities in which to live.


We advocate for a government that is accountable, responsible, and transparent. ​